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- From: dkettler@ix.netcom.com (Bruce Daniel Kettler)
- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: What is the SKEPTICULT? (1 of 3)
- Date: 19 Jun 1996 08:54:07 GMT
- Organization: TIFPC - The Internet Fax Psychic Connection
- Lines: 521
- Message-ID: <4q8f7f$j4b@sjx-ixn5.ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: den-co14-05.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Wed Jun 19 1:54:07 AM PDT 1996
- X-Newsreader: OUI 1.3.0
- -------------------------------------------------------- -----
- Copyright 1996 --- Bruce Daniel Kettler
- UPDATE: June 18, 1996
- NOTE: The use of the word "PRO." I use that word, since I
- prefer it to "believer." "PRO," as I use it here,
- applies to the term "PRO" vs "ANTI."
- This is copyrighted material, and may not be reproduced
- without e-mail written permission. Write to me, the author,
- Bruce Daniel Kettler, dkettler@ix.netcom.com, and I will
- probably give you permission to post to any newsgroups you
- like. However, I only ask that you:
- 1. Give me the opportunity to e-mail the
- latest revision to you just before you
- post.
- 2. If you do this every 2 weeks when the posting
- disappears from newsgroups, please check with
- me first for the latest revision.
- 3. Tell me what newsgroups you are posting to
- each time with e-mail: dkettler@ix.netcom.com
- ======================================================== ==
- If you use your World Wide Web browser and select the "Search
- Engine" YAHOO or ALTA VISTA, then select "USENET," and then a
- certain e-mail address, you will be able to see the postings of
- many of the people mentioned in this writing.
- ======================================================== ===
- I've been reading the postings on USENET of the following:
- bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu
- gxkambic@bme.ri.ccf.org
- A.Patki@inter.nl.net
- carscadd@pps.duke.du
- skepticmag@aol.com
- peter.m@mbox200.swipnet.se
- dhanle2@icarus.cc.uic.edu
- richardm@kbss.bt.co.uk
- scribe@onramp.net
- johnf@melbpc.org.au
- john.wright@midkent.ac.uk
- psychic@asgo.net
- gothic@netaxs.com
- and others
- both the proponents and the debunkers.
- I believe in paranormal phenomena: ESP, KARMA -- SPIRITUAL LAW,
- **DON'T** believe in debating the fact that they are real. Most of
- the time, I don't do it. I don't condemn others for doing it, only
- my observation of such debate leads me to believe that it's a
- frustrating waste of time and energy, most of the time.
- To summarize, there are those who wish to disprove the authenticity
- of paranormal phenomenon by challenging the proponents to prove it.
- Others want to show that it is authentic.
- Most importantly, the question here is not about paranormal
- phenomena, but rather basic psychological issues. The writings of
- these so-called skeptics should make people wonder...
- 1. Are the so-called "skeptics" truly skeptical?
- 2. Why do the skeptics go to forums of on-line
- services and newsgroups on USENET designated for
- those who believe in such phenomena -- those who
- wish to exchange information amongst themselves?
- The newsgroups the "skeptics" post on, mostly, have
- writings of people who are not there to debate.
- In noticing the debate over these issues with skeptics, I found one
- person in dialogue with a so-called "skeptic" who was absolutely
- ignorant on the subject of UFO evidence. What a waste of time? As
- the writer pointed out, he/she had been debating the issues to
- clue-less "skeptics" and didn't want to go over the material again.
- This is common in my experience, that the so-called "skeptics" I
- debated very seldom had any knowledge of the body of evidence that
- exists regarding UFO'S, psychic phenomena, or anything similar.
- For the most part, they spout off *DOCTRINES* of the so-called
- "skeptic's" religion, like: "We merely challenge you to prove, but
- are not here to disprove."
- Indeed, why go over any material? Why not just quote the locations
- of research papers, and titles and authors of other sources and ask
- them to investigate it themselves?
- Who cares what they believe? Why care? Don't get caught in a
- "SAVING THEM" trip! Help those who *WANT* help.
- I care, but not what they believe, rather WHAT GOES ON INSIDE THESE
- **SO-CALLED** "SKEPTICS," what motivates them -- makes them "tick."
- 1. These people who argue these points, have
- shown time and time again, that they are not
- "skeptical."
- A skeptic reserves judgement until the proof
- is there. As the so-called "skeptics" say,
- "How can you prove that which is a negative?"
- When you read their writing, it doesn't say
- what a true skeptic would: "Well, we reserve
- judgement for the time being." It states that
- certain things are *NOT* true. There is no
- allowance for future discoveries, only
- dogmatic statements that no other discoveries
- are possible. Find some statement from a so-
- called "skeptic" that allows for the
- *possibility* that Astrology is real. You
- might find one or two.
- Even if their "proof" is that no one they have
- challenged has given them what they consider to be
- sufficient evidence, why challenge? Who gave them
- the right to decide what "sufficient" evidence is?
- Monetary prizes offered to psychics are not the
- fruits of a "skeptic," only a so-called one. A
- skeptic does not need these devices to prove
- anything. These prizes, not yet won (supposedly),
- to the so-called "skeptics" are their "proof."
- 2. I've asked these people why they choose to post to
- groups where they have not been invited, to argue.
- I received one answer, "d." below: they want to save us.
- I believe the answers are one or more of the following:
- a. They are totally bored people with *NO LIFE*
- and it's just something to do. You can always spot
- these people by their "witty," cutting remarks.
- If their main motivation was other than amusement,
- and "fun" over the fact that someone may have their
- feelings hurt, they wouldn't try to be so witty,
- expressing ridicule at every opportunity.
- Often enough, they have no beliefs either way.
- Their main goal is to get an impassioned, long,
- response. Their statements lack knowledge or
- substance and are usually quite short. If they can
- get a person to take a lot of time, expend effort
- and feeling, while they do practically nothing,
- that temporarily satisfies them. Isn't there
- something abnormal about that motivation?
- b. They have to PROVE SOMETHING. There's some
- deep-seated psychological reason to BE CORRECT
- -- and that could be about any subject ie: from
- what is the correct way to walk to what are
- the correct rules of evidence for paranormal
- phenomena.
- c. They are insecure, in that living in an uncertain
- universe scares them, so they must have the answers
- to EVERYTHING. Paranormal phenomena is too
- insecure, too mysterious, to them. If they get rid
- of it, everything will be closer to predictability,
- control, and familiarity.
- One reinforces one's own beliefs by convincing, or
- attempting to convince, others. That's the
- main reason for zealots trying to convert others.
- There's safety and security in beliefs, and when
- one feels a bit insecure at the possibility of
- losing them, one at least *tries* to convert
- others.
- You can't *prove* anything to so-called "skeptics."
- They will see what they want to see. Crop circles
- will remain hoaxes to them *no matter what,* whether
- the stalks have other properties that hoaxers cannot
- make, or whatever. To remain secure they will even
- hallucinate their own reality.
- d. To these people, so-called "SKEPTICISM" is a religion,
- no different than for a fundamentalist Christian, in
- that the "skeptic" must save us all from the
- "delusion" of "psychics" and "UFO buffs." It's really
- ironic and humorous when a so-called "skeptic" tries
- to "save" a fundamentalist Christian from delusion,
- while the "fundie" is trying to save the "skeptic"
- from "hell" after he or she dies.
- It's not a *TRUE* reason, since it's a delusion.
- They may believe saving people is their reason,
- but since they are not actually *saving* anyone
- from anything harmful, it's not a *real* reason.
- If this brand of so-called "skepticism" is not a
- religion of zealots, why not just *BE* a skeptic
- without getting on a soap box? Why not just let
- people exchange their views and mind one's own
- business?
- If it's not a religion, why such doctrines as:
- "Extraordinary claims require
- extraordinary proof."
- The one answer I received from those I questioned was that they
- wanted to *SAVE* us. No-one ever told the truth of their reasons.
- Did they, themselves, know the truth? Some did. Some did not.
- I urge those presently debating these "skeptics" to start
- investigating them psychologically. Ask them the appropriate
- questions.
- If you pay attention to the *PSYCHOLOGICAL* issues many will leave
- these newsgroups. In some cases they will be helped. If you
- continue to debate, they will stay for any or all of the A, B, C,
- D, reasons above and continue to sap your precious time and energy
- -- what you could be using to help better your world spiritually.
- In other words, they will ***USE*** you.
- I believe that those reading the challenges from skeptics may be
- influenced by the lack of response to the "skeptics," that they may
- believe that since the challenges are not met, there must be
- nothing to paranormal phenomena. There's plenty of evidence in
- public libraries. If their final research is on some USENET
- newsgroup, let them keep what they find there.
- Why not ask these "skeptics" why they write in
- Give those reading the one-sided challenges
- something to ponder over about their motives.
- For the so-called skeptics:
- Ask yourself, deep down inside,
- why you try to
- *prove your truth*?
- Don't get on USENET about "why." It's within your own soul.
- Check out the numbers. How many people subscribe to SKEPTICAL
- INQUIRER? How many subscribe to BODY MIND and SPIRIT? Will you
- ever get a show with the number of viewers who watch *SIGHTINGS* on
- TV?
- Being in the majority does not prove truth. However, when one
- finds similar views to one's own in proportionately less of the
- world's population year after year, one has to ask why. There may
- be a good, sound, reason for it.
- Note, please, that I use the term "so-called skeptics." As for
- *true* skepticism, I am skeptical I believe everyone is -- some
- more than others. My writing does *NOT* condemn skepticism, reason
- or common sense. Indeed, if I were not skeptical, I'd believe
- everything anyone wrote or said. Certainly I've read and heard
- material about many paranormal claims, and filtered through that
- which is acceptable and that which is not, requiring proof before
- believing certain things I have not investigated. That *is* true
- skepticism.
- A *true* skeptic may be someone who does not believe in paranormal
- phenomena. It's fine not to believe. However, if one's unbelief
- becomes a *BELIEF* ie: "I believe that this is not true," it's no
- different than "I believe this is true." It's quite arrogant to
- assert knowledge of something beyond one's experience. How can one
- experience that there is no DIVINE FORCE IN THE UNIVERSE? One
- cannot experience a negative. One can be an agnostic, and that's
- true skepticism, but to assert that one *KNOWS* they must think
- they know everything and that they are omnipotent. This arrogance
- is what the so-called "skeptics" exhibit. These are the "zealots,"
- the religious fanatics who call themselves "skeptics." They *DO*
- believe in their tenet *I DO BELIEVE .... IS NOT TRUE.* As with
- most zealots, they mask their true ideal. There are the secret
- tenets of every group of fanatics. Then there's the mask, and with
- the so-called "skeptics," the masking label they use is
- "skepticism," They say they do not assert anything, only question
- the beliefs of others. They ask for others to prove their claims.
- However, when you go into depth, and examine their methods and the
- consistency of their statements, their true nature becomes evident.
- ******************************************
- WHAT MAKES THE SKEP-TI-CULT different from
- that of the PRO's?
- ******************************************
- Well, there's variety in the PRO's
- UFO's
- and from each of the above, there is a representation of many
- religions, many types of books read and quoted, and many different
- magazines.
- When you try to communicate with a SKEP-TI-CULT person, you get the
- same old stuff, over and over. The same attitudes, same writing,
- and quotes from the same people. It's all just *ANTI* whatever is
- not orthodox "science." In fact, they only vary in degree of
- hateful behavior, level of education, and degree of zealousness.
- You can put 3 skeptics in a written USENET thread, arguing against
- one PRO, and one cannot tell one skeptic from the other. They are
- like the same person.
- "SKEPTIC" in the dictionary:
- doubting, questioning,
- thoughtful inquiry
- suspended judgement
- I do that. I'm a skeptic. The meaning of the "'skeptic' cult"
- (Change that to "SKEP-TI-CULT" since it's easier to say.) however,
- is entirely different. They don't doubt at all. They say they do,
- but most of them are quite sure that what people find as real of
- the paranormal is *ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT.* Their so-called
- "investigations" are nothing more than formalities to find their
- own truth.
- Have you read "sTARBABY"?
- Well, I'm still investigating the details of it, and there are two
- sides of the story. However, the many postings I've read of
- "skeptics" seems to show a group mind attitude that's like the
- accusations of the FATE Magazine article, "sTARBABY."
- In this article, which can be located at the WWW site:
- http://www.asgo.net/~psychic/
- ________________________________________________________
- (Opposing views can be found from the "skeptic" site:
- http://www.primenet.com/~lippard/)
- I, and a co-author, are currently studying some material
- from the "skeptics" that was downloaded from an Mr.
- Lippard's FTP site.
- ________________________________________________________
- If sTARBABY is factual, it indicates that one of the person's who
- founded CSICOP (Committee for Scientific Investigation of Claims of
- the Paranormal) was investigating some statistical studies about
- Astrology. His findings, allegedly, indicated statistics that were
- favorable to Astrology being a real factor in human events. He,
- according to this article, tried to have the facts published in the
- CSICOP periodical, but it was censored. Later, he was dismissed
- from CSICOP, according to this account.
- The libelous slander that is so prevelant from so-called "skeptics"
- on USENET is also indicated by the writings of "skeptics" about Uri
- Geller. in print. There seems to be an often repeated pattern
- here.
- For information regarding libel legal issues, the Uri Geller site
- is:
- http://www.tcom.co.uk/hpnet/
- Contrary views are in the (FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions of
- For those skeptics, true skeptics, who have no belief in anything
- paranormal, I do respect them. Perhaps they have not investigated.
- Someday they may. It's not my place in life to try to change them.
- Skepticism, as with any mode of thought in it's pure form, does not
- require a "soap-box." The same is true of Christianity, which is
- fine. If you believe, or if you do not believe, the purest form of
- whatever you represent is in your life, or some simple statement of
- your position, not your "soap-box" reenactment, distorted
- representation, or consistent attempts to show that claims of
- psychic abilities, flying objects, or others are without
- foundation.
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
- Newsgroups I've discovered some patterns of thought
- in the exchange of ideas.
- First, I noticed a *BLACK OR WHITE* mentality on the part of the
- so-called "skeptics." I'm not taking notice of *ONLY* these
- exchanges, but have compared many other encounters, and found the
- pattern has shown, in my experience, for years.
- A BLACK AND WHITE way of thinking is, in fact, THE REALITY OF A
- PERSON. Some would call it their "perspective."
- The following words work hand-in-hand with BLACK OR WHITE:
- fundamentalism -- any religion
- orthodoxy -- in religion and medicine
- science -- excluding psychology and statistics
- making it thus "orthodox"
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++
- Here's some brief examples of USENET postings that showed the
- black-white mentality:
- A so-called "skeptic" gave one example about people
- "proving" their psychic abilities. The methods were
- obviously fraudulent, with children being entitled to
- take their experimental objects home. This was a written
- example from one of RANDI'S books. That was the
- "skeptics" example of unorthodox science. The other
- idea, obviously, in the mind of this person was the
- "orthodox" science. No-where, evidently, did something
- of a shade of grey exist in this person's head.
- This so-called "skeptic," responding to my request to
- examine some evidence outside of Randi's criteria for it,
- by asking me if one should just take the demonstrators
- word for it. Here, again, the writing completely lacked
- the allowance of grey shades.
- This BLACK - WHITE is also termed an
- mentality.
- In the first example, above, there is orthodox science, and there
- is fraud. One requires consistently repeatable results. The other
- is fraud. In the shades of grey, statistics are permitted as a
- criteria of proof, and the shades of grey become the varying
- degrees of control required in a scientific study, which depend, in
- large part, upon the funding available.
- In the second example, above, there's Randi's debunking of evidence
- followed by the "true believer" so-called "skeptic," and there's
- the allowing for fraud by not checking the subject at all. The
- shades of grey would be so-called "skeptics" allowing themselves to
- objectively examine the *actual* evidence, that is, the research
- papers of respected scientists, and I'm not referring here to only
- that of Uri Geller at SRI International, but to research papers of
- psychic testing in laboratories worldwide.
- -------------------------------------------------------- ---------
- The same type of thought exists in a FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIAN as in
- the ZEALOTS who call themselves "skeptics." Both are fixated upon
- facts. To both a fundamentalist and a "skeptic," it's all they
- want:
- To Joseph Campbell, whether Jesus Christ existed or not is not
- material. The MYTH is the essence of truth, whether it, in fact,
- happened or not. The same is true of readers of Carlos Castenada,
- that whether certain things *happened.* Whether a person named
- *Don Juan* actually existed on the Mexican desert is not the issue,
- rather what the teachings are, and what they mean to certain
- people.
- To both the fundamentalist and the so-called skeptic,
- are all that matter. Fundamentalists take literal meaning from
- every word in their books, whether Hindu, Moslem or Christian.
- There are no symbolic meanings. It's all just fact, each and every
- word: exact and literal. According to fundamentalist Christians,
- each and every word in the Bible is dictated by God.
- A Fundamentalist must believe all parts of the Bible, the Koran or
- whatever. If any say they believe only part, the rest of their
- group will consider them "heretics."
- Either the whole book is correct, or we cannot trust any of it.
- The "scientific method," is the *orthodox* Scientist's Bible. It,
- like the Bible of the fundamentalist Christian, is absolutely and
- without any variation, the true.
- And the facts, to that mentality are
- 100 percent proves the truth of
- a scientific experiment
- 80 percent is as useful an
- indication as 0 percent
- statistics and science are two
- different things, and never shall
- the two meet
- ________________________________________________________ _______
- Jerome & Heather Grisanti (jerome@iglou.com) wrote:
- Who's to say science isn't just as much a
- religion as any other? There are those who
- preach the gospel of proof and scientific
- method...
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
- ________________________________________________________ ___________
- FROM BDK dkettler@ix.netcom.com:
- Take note, reader, that the person writing the following evidently
- had no knowledge of experiments that have been done for decades,
- with cards, and through other methods, in universities. If he had,
- he'd never have written this.